The 11:30AM worship service is canceled for Sunday, January 19.
We encourage you to tune into Sunday School at 10AM via teleconference.
Dial-in: 605-562-8401 | Access code: 3777559#
Olive Branch Baptist Church
Olive Branch Baptist Church welcomes you. We are a congregation that desires to impact both our members and the community around us as we forge ahead into the 21st century. Our vision is to be:
It can be done, and we are the ones to do it! |
Everything we do reflects our total commitment to these three goals. There are many other actions (study, discipleship, fasting, caring, etc.) that cry out for attention. However, since we cannot do everything, we will focus our priorities on the things that matter most rather than the things that matter much. This means that our “church in the country” will concentrate on being a voice of love and spiritual sensitivity and we will provide a nurturing climate for all who seek to hear a “word from the Lord."
Worship Times
AnnouncementsWeekly Bible Classes: